As part of the MEDLAB project we have created a collection of software modules and algorithms designed for the medical-health world, making them deliberately reusable, expandable and configurable to be “declined” in various ways from the beginning,.
The entire Medlab project bases its potential for success on the possibility of collecting an enormous amount of data (Big Data) and being able to organize and standardize them efficiently, so that they can then be made available to the world scientific community.
Imigastric, a cloud system for the management of international screening in the field of gastric surgery, is the first application of the Medlab project. The goal is to offer, in cloud mode, a system for entering and storing data relating to digestive surgery for statistical and research purposes. The system is accessible from all over the world and allows accredited medical centers, located in various geographical areas, to share, following a specific information protocol, information relating to the interventions carried out within their own structures. In full compliance with privacy, each user of the system has an account associated with the center they belong to and each patient is uniquely identified by a progressive code automatically generated by the system.
The second project we worked on is Esinodop, a cloud screening software and Case Report Form (CRF). The project involves the enrollment of a sample X of patients responding to certain physical and anamnestic characteristics; these, randomly selected by an algorithm, are subjected to two types of treatments, one conventional medical and the other experimental surgical, to identify the most effective treatment for the pathology under consideration. The software we have created allows you to store medical-clinical data, reports from laboratory and instrumental tests, drug therapies and events connected with the therapy within the system, thus processing a Case Report Form useful for the publication of the research results and the final evaluation of the experimental method. All connections are protected using the https protocol and the adoption of Digital Certificates, in order to ensure the confidentiality of transmissions and the privacy of users.
Director of Digestive Surgery and Gastroenterology of Santa Maria hospital (Terni)
Acta Logix stems from the need to create an ideal tool for school and training of all levels. The Logix electronic register allows the organization in cloud of every phase of school activity: from absences to delays, from grades to ballots, to educational programs and communications of common interest.
Start your journey by adopting a holistic, strategic, results-oriented approach that exploits two different yet related worlds: design and development. Oriented towards new digital strategies.
Intervento realizzato con il sostegno di / Realized with the support of the funds:
CUP: G49J20003590007