For Freeday15 we have created DomusGo15, an application system for the organization and management of the condominium ecosystem where administrators, professionals and condominiums can quickly and easily communicate with each other, find information and access documents. The entire creative process involved: from planning to design, up to the integral development of the system.
DiscoverDigital transformation quickly invests every working area and here at Logix we have made our skills available to create a simple and intuitive system, completely custom, both for end users and for those who manage the group's canteen service.
DiscoverLogix is the beneficiary of the Public Notice "L'Impresa fa Cultura" for the realization of "Arts and Crafts", a project aimed at the artistic-cultural and handicraft heritage of the province of Rieti and its digitalization and fruition. We are developing a platform where artists, artisans, art admirers, potential customers but also exhibitions, culture and handmade creations enthusiasts can find a space of cohesion and keep up to date on events in the territory. LINK CE -
DiscoverHere at Logix we have thought of everyone! Acta Logix stems from the need to create an ideal tool for school and training of all levels. The Logix electronic register allows the organization in cloud of every phase of school activity: from absences to delays, from grades to ballots, to educational programs and communications of common interest.
DiscoverEsibit is a platform dedicated to the world of art, where artists, gallery owners, critics or anyone who is in some way involved or fascinated by it has the opportunity to meet. A space capable of connecting those who "make art" with those who "seek art". Through the creation of a registered or anonymous profile, the platform not only acts as a showcase and dissemination tool for one's idea of art but also becomes a vehicle for relationships, thanks also to collaborations in events and projects, and a tool for enhancement and monetization of their work.
DiscoverLogix is innovation, experimentation, culture and research. In collaboration with the gastric surgery department of the Terni hospital, we have created MEDLAB, a collection of software modules designed for the medical-health world. We can boast projects such as Imigastric, a cloud system for the management of international screening in the field of gastric surgery, and Esinodop, a cloud screening software and Case Report Form (CRF), are signed.
DiscoverAn MES software, or Manufacturing Execution System, is an information system that deals with the management and control of production processes. As part of MES we have created softwares in collaboration with Acciaierie di Terni (AST) and Cogne Acciai Speciali.
By System Integrator we mean that one team, or that single subject, that deals with developing solutions to make different plants and IT systems "communicate" and "dialogue" correctly. As part of the System Integrator, we have created the "GiroGoGo" multidevice app for last mile delivery.
For IoT we mean the extension of the Internet to the world of concrete objects and places. The purpose of this type of solution is to monitor, control and transfer information, and then carry out consequent actions. In the IoT field, we have created a production control management software and a retailer platform.
Together with JMD Energy, an innovative start-up that deals with energy production, we have created a software system that allows interaction between the different production systems, able to improve efficiency both in the management of the plants and during the production cycle.
Coming soonWe are creating a solution designed for companies that deal with last mile transport and logistics and need to manage multiple orders. Our App is designed with UCD (User Centered Design) logic, designed on the real needs of users and tested in the field. An App for both drivers, as it allows them to manage deliveries, optimizing times; and for managers, as, accessible from any device, it allows administrative staff to perform all management and supervision activities in the best possible way.
Coming soonLogix launches Slowtailer, the Startup that was created with the aim of helping Italian retailers to offer local, quality products capable of guaranteeing maximum awareness to consumers, integrating physical and digital channels. Today digital has a strong influence on the decision-making process of those who buy; you get information and often buy online, but there is a strong need to have real experiences and to know unique OMNICHANNEL stories.
Coming soonStart your journey by adopting a holistic, strategic, results-oriented approach that exploits two different yet related worlds: design and development. Oriented towards new digital strategies.
Intervento realizzato con il sostegno di / Realized with the support of the funds:
CUP: G49J20003590007